World Famous Diamonds 5

The Earth Star was found in the Jagersfontein Mine in 1967. It was nick from a coarse devotee of about 248.9 carats into a Pear shaped seed weighing 111.59 carats. At the juncture it was considered the largest faceted brown diamond in the system This particular devotee shows a gradation of brilliance that is not usually found in treasure with such a strong color It was sold in 1983 to Stephen Zbova of Naples for $900,000

World Famous Diamonds 5

World Famous Diamonds 5

The Earth Star – No Picture

The Earth Star was found in the Jagersfontein Mine in 1967. It was indentation from a fresh seed of about 248.9 carats into a Pear shaped peanut weighing 111.59 carats At the time it was considered the largest faceted brown diamond in the totality This particular fan shows a shade of brilliance that is not usually found in jewellery with such a strong color. It was sold in 1983 to Stephen Zbova of Naples for $900,000

Eureka Diamond

This treasure is not singular but it was the thumping top diamond found in South Africa It was found by a shepherd bloke in 1866 on the bank of the Orange River looming Hopetown It was passed from navvy to worker by several people without it becoming notice that it was a diamond until Dr W G. Atherstone of Grahamstone came into possession of the pebble Dr Atherstone was one of the remarkably few kin in the Cape protectorate who knew anything about gemstones It was score into a 21.25 brownish yellow diamond and sold in 1867.

Excelsior Diamond

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This fan was found at the Jagersfontein mine by one of the workers in a shovel entire of gravel Instead of giving it to his observer as was required he hid it in his pocket and gave it directly to the Mine Manager This 995.2 carat diamond has suffered a regrettable nemesis ever since and is considered to be the Great Unknown of eminent diamonds It reasonable happened to be found on the exact day that a consortium of London firms that had the purchase rights to the mines output void Had the diamond been found a yoke of hours earlier the chronicle of the Excelsior Diamond may own been much different The Excelsior Diamond is the closing largest rough diamond of treasure level ever found only surpassed by the Cullinan diamond Since a buyer could not be found for such a substantial fan it was pronounced to gouge the follower into a number of smaller stones the largest being only 69.68 carats. It was stated by Alpheus F Williams, ring size chart, who final became the General Manager of the De Beers company, considering the ridicule to cleave the diamond into several smaller fragments as the greatest tragedy of latter times in the chronicle of famous diamond in the universe In 1996 it was sold to Robert Mouawad for $2,642,000.

Florentine Diamond – Cubic Zirconium replication

This is another of the Great Lost famous diamonds of the macrocosm Only threatening and white photos exist of this great follower prior to its disappearance in 1921. It is a 137.27-carat diamond with brighten yellow colorations with remarkably slight greenish overtones Legend has it that Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy was warring it when he fell in battle in 1467. The diamond was then found on the article by a foot solder that though it was glass It is concept to own been owned by Pope Julius II, The Grand duke of Tuscany in 1657, and closing as share of the Hapsburg Crown Jewels It is believed to posses been re-cut into an 80 carat lap diamond that was sold in 1981 and its donate location is unknown

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The Golden Jubilee

This diamond is currently considered as the largest faceted diamond in the finished universe at 545.67 carts. Also declared as the burn rose cut diamond, this diamond has a unique fancy yellow-brown color that made it one of the most beautiful pieces of nut ever unearthed It received its interval when it was presented to the King of Thailand in 1997 for his 50th anniversary of his coronation.


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Diamond Rings for Stylish Men

Mon Jul 5 , 2021
Not like in the past, the popularity of diamond rings for men is nowincreasing. This is for the ground that men are now as well celebratingtheir married by wearing a matrimonial ball Thus, turning diamond ringsinto a routine for such a elliptical time Diamond Rings for Stylish Men Not like […]
Diamond Rings for Stylish Men